A loan overpayment is when your pay extra towards your loan over and above your agreed monthly repayment.
The two main benefits of loan overpayment are:
Most lenders allow you to overpay on your loan, although some may impose limits, penalties or extra charges.
With unsecured loans taken out after February 2011, you can make extra payments of up to £8,000 within 12 months without penalty.
This is also the case with some secured loans – but not all. Be sure to check your contract to see what your lender allows before you make any overpayments.
Overpayments can either be made as a one-off lump sum or by regular payments throughout the year.
You may choose to overpay your loan if your financial situation changes. For example, you may have more money available each month than when you took out the loan.
Loan overpayments can be made on secured loans, such as mortgages, depending on what the lender allows.
For a typical loan of £30,000.00 over 120 months with a variable interest rate of 19.56% per annum, your monthly repayments would be £598.34.
Including a Product Fee of £2,400.00 (8% of the loan amount) and a Lending Fee of £807.00, the total amount repayable is £71,800.20.
Annual Interest Rates ranging from 11.88% to 29.38% (variable). Maximum 50.00% APRC. The loan must be paid back by your 70th birthday. Read more.