Consolidate your debts and simplify your finances with one easy monthly repayment. Say goodbye to the hassle of multiple creditors and keep track of what you owe with ease.
Consolidate multiple debts
One single repayment each month
Only deal with one lender
Our team of experienced financial professionals are here to guide you every step of the way.
Poor credit? Self-employed? Missed payments? We'll take time to consider your application.
Checking your eligibility is a breeze and we pride ourselves on swift approvals.
Curious about your options? Use our straightforward eligibility checker to see if you qualify for a debt consolidation loan. It’s quick, with no obligation.
What is a debt consolidation loan and how does it work?
A debt consolidation loan allows you to combine multiple debts from various lenders into a single loan. This simplifies your finances by having only one monthly payment to manage, often at a lower interest rate than your existing debts.
How can a debt consolidation loan benefit me?
Consolidating your debts can offer several benefits, including simplifying your finances, potentially reducing your monthly payments and saving money on interest by securing a lower interest rate.
Will consolidating my debts affect my credit score?
Consolidating your debts should not negatively impact your credit score, as long as you continue to make timely repayments on your new consolidation loan. In fact, it may even help improve your credit score by reducing your overall debt.
What types of debts can I consolidate with a debt consolidation loan?
You can typically consolidate various types of unsecured debts, such as credit card balances, personal loans, car finance and other outstanding debts.
Can I qualify for a debt consolidation loan with bad credit?
Yes, it’s possible to qualify for a debt consolidation loan with bad credit. However, the terms and interest rates may vary depending on your credit history and financial situation.
How do I know if a debt consolidation loan is the right choice for me?
Consider factors such as the interest rates and fees associated with your current debts, the total amount of debt you owe and your ability to make consistent monthly repayments. Our qualified advisors can provide personalised guidance to help you determine if debt consolidation is the right option for you.
How long does the debt consolidation process take?
The time it takes to complete the debt consolidation process varies depending on factors such as the amount of debt you have, the type of loans you’re consolidating and how many debts you wish to consolidate. Our team will work efficiently to ensure a smooth and timely consolidation process.
How do I get started with applying for a debt consolidation loan with Evolution Money?
Begin by checking your eligibility using our online form. If you’re eligible, our team will guide you through the application process, helping you gather the necessary documentation and providing personalised assistance every step of the way.
Representative 22.93% APRC variable.
For a typical loan of £26,600 over 180 months with a variable interest rate of 19.56% per annum, your monthly repayments would be £484.00. This includes a Product Fee of £2,660.00 (10% of the loan amount) and a Lending Fee* of £763.00, bringing the total repayable amount to £87,030.00. Annual Interest Rates range between 11.7% to 46.5% (variable). Maximum 50.00% APRC. *Lending Fee varies by country: England & Wales £763, Scotland £1,051, Northern Ireland: £1,736.